Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Autism Acceptance Month 2020

Well, even if it is quarantine season for me and many others across the country, it is still Autism Acceptance Month for me and the actually autistic community and allies starting tomorrow, Autism Awareness Month for those who believe the false prophets of Autism Speaks and similar organizations, a time wear those pushing for Autism Acceptance wear gold, red, taupe, orange, green, and purple for acceptance-since the chemical symbol for gold Au is the first two letters of the work "Autistic," and wear those promoting "Awareness" wear blue due to Autism Speaks still mostly blue puzzle piece symbol (the puzzle piece being abhorred by proud autistics) made on the rapidly discredited idea that their are four boys with autism for every girl, a belief that has robbed many women, girls, and non-binary autistic individuals a chance at services and a better life, leading to anorexia, bilumnia, and suicide of many women, girls, and non-binary folks, some who I have known personally. So enough if the only places I can go are gorcery stores, take-out restaurants, my mom's house, and the Mission Hills courthouse to clear a traffic ticket, I will, as I have done for the last five years, abstain from wearing blue except for the rainbow infinity autistic symbol, and wear gold, red, taupe, orange, green, and purple to promote an antidote and alternative to the thinkinng that leads a disproportionate number of autistic and disabled individuals in poverty, unemployment, prisons-despite a being less likely then non-disabled people to commit crimes, whether at home or not. Happy Autism Acceptance Month!

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