Friday, December 23, 2022

My 2022 in Review

The highlights of my year: the one-year anniversary of starting my job as a research aide at the Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities; moving to Lawrence, Kansas; going to Washington, D.C. with KUCDD for the annual Association of University Centers on Disabilities, where I met disabled rights activists Liz Weintrub and Emily Ladau; went on another overnight weekend trip with Tyler and Kevin; came up with and started on several new novels in addition to gauging my prospects of finishing and hopefully publishing them in the new future, and finished the first draft of a novella; discovered more about my memory loss of events from thirteen years ago and resolved to find an EMDR specialist in Lawrence to help me uncover more of the chapters of my live that I lost my access to; and, though Roe vs. Wade was overturned by six judges appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote, Kansas struck down an amendment that would have allowed further suppression of abortion in the state, kept its governor and judges that will honor the Kansas constitution's position that abortion is a right, and anti-choice Republicans failed to take the Senate and an overwhelming House majority necessary for a national abortion ban.

My New Year's resolution: finish a few of the books I started on in the last two years, continue writing a new of my novels to get a sense of the possibility of finishing and publishing at least one of them, and find and work with an EMDR specialist in Lawrence to uncover more of the lost memories of things I experienced many years ago. Here's to a new year, everyone!